Keeping IT Clean!

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Without This Understanding God's Smallest Creatures Will Undo You!

Keep These This In Mind For Survival!

We Practiced:

"Overcoming Cross Contamination In Our Shelter!"

We Practiced Isolation Methods When One Came Down Sick From Cross Contamination— So All Could Have A Chance of Survival...

Without Creating More Illness For Shelterees!

The Following Is What You Must Know, Practice & Have The Materials To Stop Cross Contamination!

We Studied & Drilled On Each Lesson Night & Day.


We Drilled & Drilled From Printed Sheets

What To Do And What Not To Do On

Cross Contamination:

The Process By Which Microorganisms Are Unintentionally Transferred From A Surface Or Substance Of An Object To Another, Resulting In Effects That Are Harmful.


Keeping It Clean, by Dr. "B"

Adapted From

A Manual for The Management of Foods
Prepared For The
The Department of Defense


Licensed Fallout Shelters, 1963

Keeping It Clean:

Follow Ideas Below To

‘Keep It Clean!'

In Your Home Shelter


The Conservation of Food and Water

When all the food has arrived and is stored in the shelter, the food manager has a serious responsibility for its conservation. Once the doors are closed, it must be assured that there will be no additional supplies. The welfare of the group demands strict control and careful distribution of all resources on hand.

Until the depletion rate of the supplies indicates otherwise, an allowance of not more than 1, 000 calories per person per day should be made. When the population has been determined and the probable duration of the confinement estimated, it is likely the ration can be increased. If it is evident that the supplies will support a more liberal ration, the amounts per meal should be increased.

Food should not be released to the occupants except at meal time and then only the amount they will consume. Trading in surpluses saved from a meal should be discouraged.

Sanitary Regulations for Food Handlers

With a voluntary food staff, training in sanitary regulations for food handlers would be very urgent. A list of regulations posted where all could read them, such as the items listed below, would constitute minimum conformity to health regulations.

1. Food exchange should take place in sanitary surroundings to avoid exposing food to contamination.

2. Anyone engaged in the handling of food must keep all parts of his body clean. He must keep clothing as clean as possible, cover any abrasions, cuts, or other sores with a suitable dressing, and refrain from spitting or smoking near food.

3. Articles of equipment used in a food operation must be clean. They must be made of such material and in such a way as to prevent any risk of contamination.

4. Carriers of food should not have infectious diseases.

5. Food should not be wrapped in printed paper for storage or transportation.

6. When toilets must be near food operations, they must be clean and well ventilated if possible. No food should be stored in a toilet room.

7. All food handlers should be warned by signs to clean their hands before handling food.

If water is not available; nor soap, disinfectants should be provided. A small pan in which a germicidal solution can be placed for hand washing after toilet use, together with disposable towels for drying hands, is advisable.

Occupants who cannot or do not care to abide by these regulations should not be employed in the foods division. The serious consequences of sickness and disease under shelter conditions justifies extreme precautionary safeguards in the preparation and serving of foods.

These measures should include daily health inspection of food handlers aid alertness in identifying sources of infection which may create a health hazard. Waste food and empty food containers after use, should be placed in a tight receptacle until they can be disposed of. Watch for rats and flies! They spread disease.

In the larger shelters, health and sanitation problems will be under the direct control of a special officer, but the preventive aspect of health and the total supervisory problem in most shelters would be the responsibility of the food manager. With very limited water supplies for cleaning and restricted sanitary equipment, special training and extreme care should be undertaken by food supervisors.

In the limited space of the shelter, good sanitation is not merely a matter of comfort, it could be a matter of life or death. Human waste can spread such diseases as typhoid, dysentery and diarrhea.

Waste Disposal

The limited amount of fresh air and the serious consequences of disease under shelter conditions, justify extreme precaution in the disposal of waste from processing food.The use of packaged rations will minimize the sanitary problem but it will still bear inspection and planning. Empty cans should be crushed and placed in a closed container for final disposal at the first opportunity. When it is safe to open a door, they could be removed.

Shelter floors should be kept clean of litter or waste material without creating dust. Some of the extra help might well be used to police given corridors and see that all waste is properly disposed of. Each unit should police the area assigned to it. The shortage of water suggests the use of paper towels for cleaning, but they should be used several times before disposal to conserve the supply.

The Preparation of Food

As a result of the limited space and equipment, as well as the untrained help, the preparation of food in shelters should be kept as simple as possible. The basic ration will require someone to break open open food packages and hand the allotted number of biscuits to each shelter occupant, and perhaps opening some cans containing a spread of some sort to make the biscuits more attractive will be necessary. If heat is available, preparing water for coffee or tea will be essential.

Since little else can be done to enrich the taste of the food or relieve the monotony of the diet, attention will focus on equality of portions and sanitary operations.

Where significant amounts of supplementary foods have been stored and the use of heat can be tolerated, the situation becomes more complex. More palatable mixtures could be prepared and variation in the diet could be offered. It is strongly recommended that all supplementary food be in appropriate cans requiring a minimum of preparation. Where candies are provided, they should be prepared in individual plastic bags for distribution.

The Distribution of Water

Because of its importance to survival, the preservation and distribution of water requires thoughtful consideration. The water supply will help determine the number of people who can be admitted to the shelter and its equitable distribution will have much to do with the morale of the occupants. With a possibility of as little as one quart per person per day stored, as indicated by the basic ration, The first effort of the food manager should be to supplement this ration by at least doubling the supply.

The Distribution of Food

The density of the shelter population, the space arrangement, and the food supply will influence the way the people are fed. A special service center near the food storage and preparation area, set apart with some tables or counters would provide a good arrangement for serving.

Where the basic ration in the form of biscuits (Survival Crackers) served cold is the chief diet, the need for tables or additional counters would be reduced. Under such conditions, the appropriate number of cans of biscuits could be turned over to the chairman of a small unit for serving to his group. If, on the other hand, there was a large supply of supplementary foods and conditions permitted cooking more space and service as well as utensils would be required.

The distribution of cooked foods through crowded corridors could create hazards as well as become a potential source of waste through spilling.

If sleeping arrangements do not require day and night feeding shifts, the customary community routine of three meals per day should be the schedule. The eating rhythms of the group should not be disturbed more than necessary. The ration for a day should be set by the food manager after careful evaluation of the remaining supplies and the probable duration of confinement.

The entire day's ration should not be passed out at one time even though crowded conditions would suggest such a procedure. Food that is not consumed at a given meal is always in danger of being wasted or bartered, thus creating either a sanitary or morale hazard.

The training and disciplining of the service personnel in dealing with rationed food deserves special attention. Most of the staff will have had no experience with the distribution of rationed food. They will be under severe pressure to be partial in their handouts, especially as hunger and thirst develop. To surrender to such efforts on the part of some occupants would immediately arouse complaints and strife leading to turmoil. If persisted in, it would cause a breakdown of service.

Every precaution must be taken by the food manager to insure impartiality. Portions must be carefully measured with no variations due either to carelessness or intent. People who have brought supplementary foods to the shelter to avoid strict rationing may create special problems of distribution.

Hungry children will find it difficult enough to have to endure privations and would not understand differences in portions. Food supervisors will find it to their advantage to keep the occupants well informed of reserves and policies of distribution.

Because of the limitations on food and facilities, and the complexity of the population, no ethnic or religious laws will be recognized in the preparation or serving of food as far as the food manager is concerned.

You Eat What Is Set Before You! Or, Leave!

The storing of supplies of food other than the basic rations will create complexities for the food manager. Before significant quantities of such supplementary foods are accepted for storage, the food manager or his representative should be assured that they have met the qualifications set forth earlier for the selection of shelter foods, (and that the following assumptions about the shelter can be verified.)

1. That adequate space, light, equipment and energy to prepare these foods exists in the shelter.

2. That a staff has been trained for preparing and serving them.

3. That they can be delivered in equal servings to all occupants of the shelter.

4. That processing them will not upset temperature, sanitary or humidity conditions.

5. That adequate water is available for cooking them and for food sanitation.

6. That no refrigeration is necessary.

7. That whatever heating is done can be done with cans and other available facilities.

Food and Beverage Delivery Control

The tendency for people involved to take additional food in other disasters suggests the need for preventing cheating or stealing through control systems. The most practical method of control is as follows:

As indicated earlier, all occupants are asked to form groups of 8 - 10 members—or 5 in one group; 5 in another, if in your Home Shelter. Taking in more will cause problems in a Personal Shelter as in a Public Shelter, with the understanding that this group relationship will persist through their shelter stay. They are asked to elect a group leader. However, with a small number in one's home shelter, this is not necessary.

At the time of the first service of water or food, the group assembles as a unique entity at the service area, and a food control deputy gives each member of the group a number such as 1-3, indicating the third member of group I. This mark is placed on the hand of each group member with indelible pencil. The group leader is asked to identify and remember each member, recording their names and group numbers if such accounting is possible. The total number in the group is recorded by the food control deputy.

No number or group assignment is to be made to an individual who already possesses an indelible mark, thus preventing an individual from becoming a member of two groups and so securing more than one issue of food or water. It is expected that the quality of the indelible marking will be such that it will persist long enough for the group leader to become familiar with the members of his group.

In any event, the total number in a given group will be known and controlled by the food control deputy. The group itself, once established, will reject any additional members, and an absent member who might be indisposed will be taken care of by the group. If desired, the indelible marking can be renewed from time to time.

Hand Out These Rules & Others You May Have And Have Shelterees Sign Them & Return To Shelter Manager—If Not—They Cannot Stay:

This Is To Be Handed Out To All Shelterees.

  1. All Weapons (Guns, Rifles, Knives, Etc.) Must Be Surrendered At Shelter Anteroom Prior To Entering Shelter Proper. They will be secured and returned when owner leaves permanently!

  2. In food preparation or serving, wash hands carefully and scrub beneath the nails.

  3. Dry thoroughly, then don vinyl gloves.

  4. Spray disinfectant on both gloves on hands. Let air dry quickly, then serve dry, packaged food to shelterees.

  5. Shelterees are not allowed to exchange food between themselves. This results in less calories for one, more calories for another, and disrupts the predetermined caloric and nutrient levels designed per shelteree.

  6. All food not eaten by shelterees during breakfast, lunch, and dinner must be placed in pail with a garbage-bag liner that is marked for food waste.

  7. Each shelteree must sanitize (disinfect) the area around them they have eaten in, because certain food particles going to the ground or the floor can serve as a germinating substance for microbial growth.

  8. Candy wrappers, food wrappers, etc. must be disposed of properly in the food waste pail.

  9. All food must be eaten when served.

  10. If water supplies allow it, wash serving cup in a Clorox bleach-soapy solution and rinse.

  11. Keep the cup assigned to you with you at all times.

  12. After each restroom usage, if water does not permit washing, rinsing and drying (save your hand towel!), degerminate toilet, lavatory handles, inside and outside doorknob and floor with degerminating spray.

  13. If water pipes are broken because of surface nuclear air bursts (ground bursts) then use only the portable toilet. Clean hands with solution left in a small basin by the previous user, and do same after hands have been soaked, scrubbed and air-dried and wiped with a paper towel. Save the towel. Then pour the material down the lavatory drain and use pitcher with disinfectant solution to leave a fresh amount (1/2 cup) for the next user.
  14. Do not touch anything after you have used the restroom facility until you have done #11.

  15. Keep it clean. Do not Cross Contaminate.

It will be the Radef Officer-Manager’s job to show Group 1 and Group 2 how to use the bathroom facilities without cross-contamination under these conditions of living approximately 14 days in a shelter. He must understand all of the reasons and techniques of doing the above correctly and seeing that shelterees do it correctly, else with low ventilation, high moisture, little or no light, disease can spread rampantly and rapidly through a shelter, as well as violence from uncomfortable, ailing shelterees because of cross contamination and crowding, combined with Fear and Anxiety.


Eat Right: Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

How To Prevent Cross-contamination
Reviewed by Eleese Cunningham, RDN
Published June 23, 2015

It's common knowledge that eating raw meat can make you sick, but you may still be at risk for food poisoning if you don't properly separate your foods to prevent cross-contamination.

Cross-contamination is how bacteria can spread. It occurs when juices from raw meats or germs from unclean objects touch cooked or ready-to-eat foods. By following a few simple steps as you handle, store, shop and cook foods, you can greatly reduce your risk of food poisoning.

At the grocery store, separate fresh or frozen, raw meat, poultry, seafood and eggs from produce and ready-to-eat foods in your shopping cart and grocery bags.

If you are using reusable grocery totes to transport groceries, place meat, poultry and seafood in plastic bags to prevent juices from leaking. Place groceries in the back seat instead of the trunk of a vehicle.

When storing food, refrigerate or freeze groceries within two hours.

Keep raw meat, poultry and seafood on bottom shelf of refrigerator in a sealed container or plastic bag to ensure juices don’t drip onto ready-to-eat foods and cause contamination.

Keep eggs in original carton and store on shelves of refrigerator — not in the door.

Store reusable totes in a clean, dry location and wash frequently with hot, soapy water or in the washing machine. Avoid leaving reusable totes in the trunk of a vehicle.

Special precautions should be taken when preparing food. Wash hands thoroughly with warm, soapy water for 20 seconds before, during and after handling raw meats and foods.

Wash plates between uses or use separate plates: one for holding raw meat, poultry or seafood and another for cooked foods.

Place washed produce into clean storage containers, not back into the original ones.

Be aware of the tools used during cooking — never use the same knife for raw meat, poultry or seafood to chop produce or ready-to-eat foods. Use one cutting board for meat, poultry and seafood, and a separate cutting board for produce and ready-to-eat foods

Plastic Vs Wood Cutting Board!

Something Most Do Not Know!

Wooden Cutting Board!

Dr. "B" points out what many food scientists or nutritionists do not seem to know the Physics and Mechanics of Wood Versus Plastic, in that, in Plastic Cutting Board! Biochemistry and Microbiology, test after test shows that just simply washing in warm soapy water, a Wooden cutting board, does not get the microbes that burrow into the layers of wood; whereas, using Plastic Cutting Boards, bacteria have no place to hide.

However, he says, use warm, sudsy water with Bleach in it and allow to soak for a few minutes; then, while in the water, scrub briskly to stir the molecular structure of the fibers of the substance of the Wooden Board, as Well as the Plastic Board, to facilitate the Bleach in and out of those molecular structures to destroy all micro–organisms.

Dr. "B" is an award winning French Chef, as well as a Mathematician, Biochemist, AstroPhysicist, including a GunSmith, among other things. This is why so many world–wide seek him out for his enlightening treks to be prepared for what's coming to Planet Earth!

Meat & Vegetables Do Not Mix On Same Cutting Board...Unless All Are Going Into Pressure Cooker!


Cutting Meat & Vegetables On same Board Without Washing/Scrubbing In Warm, Sudsy, Bleach Water Is A Negative!

And What About This!

By The Time You Read This...

We May Be In Total War!

Are You Ready?

Burn This Into Your Memory & Practice it:


Do You Have This?

Get It Now & Much Toilet Paper & Hand Towels With Alcohol, Lysol, 'Mr. Clean', and Liquid Hand Soap As Possible!

Or...You'll Be Using This:

Keep It Clean: Part I

Keep It Clean: Part II

For Your Portable Toilet, Go Here For Controlling Odors

For Your Portable Toilet, Get Lysol, Unscented Bleach, 'Mr. Clean' and Enzyme 300 Packets

Dr. "B" Says:

"This Will Be The Thing That Brings You Down...If You Have Not Prepared For It!

Sanitation Is Going To Be One Of Your Biggest Problems!"

Sanitation Is Going To Be One Your Biggest Problems. Do Something Now!

You Next Big Problem Will Be: Avoiding Fallout!


Nuclear Blasts Generate Fires!

Overview of Emergency Food & Shelter National Board Programf

These Are In Our Future:

Nuclear War

Nuclear Blast

Nuclear War On A City!

Nuclear War With Russia!

... To Be Continued ...

In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use without profit or payment for non-profit research and educational purposes only. [Reference:Cornell Law School]

In An UpComing Issue:
To Be Announced!

Something You Need To Know For What's Coming

Kong Sez: uses Graphics, Videos, Audios, and other devices to communicate facts. As time nears to Total Chaos in America and the world, ChemBio Updates will be sent out several times a week, either in e-mail format or as a hot link to its WebSite, as information warrants.

    As you use your computer, overtime, it slows down!

    If your computer downloads slowly, you need to daily do the Following:

  • Defrag your machine.

  • Use a Cleaner, such as CCleaner (one can also use their Defragger) to Optimize your computer for better performance. Get them here: It's Free!

  • If you find a download from email coming down very slowly; simply close your computer and reboot. Then restart the download.

  • Find out from your ISP how much file storage you have, you need at least 20 MB. Also, go there and clean up used files. The ISP does this for you every 30 or so days. If you receive large files, the ISP may bump them back because "no room at the inn."

You Must Defrag Your Computer Regularly
Clean The Registry and Optimize the Machine Regularly
It Will Run Very Erratic and Quite Slowly!

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